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--  作者:牧之
--  发布时间:2008/9/19 22:12:41
--  广技玻璃工作室 教师介绍

Zhao, Ting Ting 赵婷婷
赵婷婷女士,毕业于上海大学美术学院,师从庄小蔚教授,毕业后任教于广州技术师范学院并开始筹建玻璃工作室。她来自内蒙古,那篇神奇而宽广的草原风带给她作品以洒脱、不落俗套的新意。她对唐文化的缅怀与婉爱使她对玻璃的缤纷色彩着迷,她对终极关怀之问题的寻索也为她的作品增加了一丝神秘主义的感觉。她的创作思路也如草原的奔马一样不羁。如果说一定要诠释她的作品,也许可以引用费西特所说的一句话:“我沉思以及我意识到的对象,也是我自己 -同一个沉思的自我,但是它现在漂浮在主体面前…”

Zhao Ting Ting received her master’s degree from Shanghai University and is currently teaching at the Guangzhou Technology Normal University, where she is in the process of establishing a glass studio and starting a glass program. Zhao is from Inner Mongolia, and her works have been influenced by her experience living with a minority people group. Her fascination with the prosperous culture of the Tang dynasty and its art styles and inspirations can be seen in her glass works, rich in colors and patterns. Zhao’s pieces also exude a sense of the mystical, communicating thoughts on the current state of humanity and themes of mortality and eternity.